Sunday, September 23, 2012

About Me

                                              About Me

Well, where do I start. Oh, I know! When I made this web site I was 71/2 in 2012.I'm the   oldest sibling in my family. I have one sister and her full name is Lillian .I have a brother named Lyndon (LIN-DIN)  .My mom comes from the Perkes family and her name is Katie.My dad comes from the Evans family and his name is Jonathon
                           My kindergarten class room.Miss Kim's classroom

Now back to me I love puppies,art,music,strawberries,Summer,and the sun.I made this website because I wants to share the art I myself made with you.

                                  This is me!

                      These are some of my friends.

                   After all that stuff I went to First Grade.       

After the second to last day of school the last day was awsome!

    Then I got some glasses and life was much more easier.

      Do you want to see me when I was little?You do? Great!